"Due diligence" is an expression used for an investigation or audit of a potential investment. Due diligence serves to confirm all material facts in regards to a sale.
Generally, due diligence refers to the care a reasonable person should take before entering into an agreement or a transaction with another party.
DueDiligence Slovenia
Mestni trg 11,
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
+386 / 1 620 85 78
+386 / 41 827 114
DueDiligence Slovenia
is a brand of the company
Studio Krištof arhitekti d.o.o.
V kolikor se z uporabo piškotkov ne strinjate, prosimo kliknite
DueDiligence Slovenia is a brand of the company Studio Krištof arhitekti d.o.o., which we use together with our partners for property audits and inspections, and other services that assist property management.
Our experience in property auditing is based on collaboration with the Vasko+Partner GmbH engineering company in Vienna and commissioned by Hypo Alpe Adria Bank Int. AG and its subsidiary Probus GmbH, which specialises in property. References from both companies are enclosed at the About us - References. For companies from Western Europe, we have audited buildings or project documentation totalling over 380,000 m2 with a total value of over €500,000,000 (half a billion euros) in the past few years.